Monday, January 15, 2007

In my review of many different news organizations and blogs of like-minded indivduals I often come across articles I feel are worthy of sharing. Here is one:

And another.

West Is Going in Democrats' Direction
By T.R. Reid
When the major political parties gathered for their national conventions in 2004, Colorado had a Republican governor, a Republican-controlled legislature and a Republican edge of 5 to 2 in the state's congressional delegation. Today, Colorado's governor is a Democrat. The Democrats control both houses of the legislature. Four of the seven congressional seats are held by Democrats....

Some of what I will post will be older, some of it more current.
In my review of many different news organizations and blogs of like-minded indivduals I often come across articles I feel are worthy of sharing. Here is one:

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hello. This is my first ever attempt to write a blog, so I hope you'll excuse any rookie mistakes.

I am writing this blog to express my profound disgust with the way both political parties continually screw the middle class. The Republicans do all they can to further enrich the wealthy (by wealthy I mean those earning 7 figures per year or more) and the Democrats do all they can to redistribute earnings to the poor ($25,000/year and below). And both parties do it at the expense of the middle class.

I am a huge fan of Lou Dobbs, who I think pretty much has it figured out as well, if not better, than anyone out there. As such I will refer to him frequently and will use as much of his material as I am legally allowed to do.

The upcoming elections are a referendum on the piss-poor job the Republicans have done running the country...but it is highly unlikely that if the Democrats can gain the House and/or Senate things will improve. Both parties are so beholden to corporate America and special interest groups it is nearly impossible for either to recognize how the middle class is being decimated.